AI Cover Letter Builder

Create stunning cover letters for each job application in one click with AI

CareerAI’s Cover Letter Builder empowers you to create persuasive, tailored cover letters that captivate recruiters and position you as the ideal candidate for any job.

How it works

Few steps to create a cover letter that will get you noticed.


Add a job description

Simply paste the URL of the job listing you're interested in, and our AI Assistant will take care of the rest. It will automatically navigate to the webpage, and extract the job description. Alternatively, you can copy/paste the job description or use the browser extension to save jobs while you browse the web.


Get a customized cover letter

Our AI Assistant takes center stage. It utilizes your profile details and the job description to compose a compelling cover letter that reflects the role's expectations and amplifies your strengths.


    Highlight specific accomplishments and skills

    You have the option to handpick specific accomplishments or skills to spotlight in your cover letter. Alternatively, allow the AI to automatically select the most relevant ones for you.


    Choose a template

    Choose from a variety of templates to find the one that best suits your needs. You can also preview your cover letter in each template to see how it will look. Not sure which template to choose? No problem! You can always change it later.


      Download and Apply

      Once you're satisfied with the result, you can download your customized cover letter. You're now armed with a persuasive cover letter that sets the stage for your job application success.


      CareerAI Cover Letter Builder helps you write the perfect cover letter in minutes.

      Stand out from the crowd

      Gain a significant edge over other applicants by presenting a cover letter that is customized for the job, showcasing your qualifications in the most impactful way.

      Save time

      Customize your cover letter for each job application in one click. Save hours of manual work while achieving superior results. Apply to more jobs and never use the same cover letter twice.

      Stay in control

      Rewrite, edit, or remove sections to ensure your cover letter reflects your unique qualifications and preferences.


      Frequently Asked Questions

      Yes, you can save multiple versions of your cover letter for different job applications. You can also edit and update your cover letter at any time.

      Yes, you can edit the content generated by the AI Cover Letter Builder.

      We only support PDF format at the moment. We are working on adding more formats soon.

      You have the option to request the AI to regenerate the cover letter. This is useful if you want to explore different variations or if you've made significant changes and want the AI to adapt accordingly.

      There's no limit to the number of job descriptions you can use. The AI Cover Letter Builder is designed to adapt to various roles and industries, allowing you to create tailored cover letters for all your target positions.
      Get hired and promoted faster

      Experience the future of career management today.

      Use AI to write your resume, cover letter, and apply to jobs faster.

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