AI Interview Coach

Ace your next interview with AI-powered interview preparation

Welcome to your secret weapon for interview success! Our AI Interview Coach equips you with the information and confidence you need to conquer any interview, presenting you as a well-prepared and knowledgeable candidate.

How it works

Few steps to write content


Add a job listing

Simply paste the URL of the job listing you're interested in, and our AI Assistant will take care of the rest. It will automatically navigate to the webpage, and extract the job description. Alternatively, you can copy/paste the job description or use the browser extension to save jobs while you browse the web.


Get your customized briefing

Our AI Assistant will analyze the job description and generate a custom briefing with all the information you need to prepare for the interview. It will also provide you with a list of questions you can ask the interviewer to demonstrate your interest in the role.


    Get example interview questions to practice

    Prepare for the toughest questions. The AI Interview Prep provides you with a tailored list of interview questions relevant to your chosen role, ensuring you're ready to articulate your qualifications.


    Get questions to ask the interviewer

    Our AI Assistant will analyze the job description and suggest a list of questions you can ask the interviewer to demonstrate your interest in the role.

      Get hired and promoted faster

      Experience the future of career management today.

      Use AI to write your resume, cover letter, and apply to jobs faster.

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      • Cancel anytime